The Showpiece Kitchen
Proposed : Modern Dry Kitchen
Location : Jalan Pg Babu Raja
October 10th, 2020
Customer approves design proposal and 3D renderings by Omera Construction.
Work commences on site on October 10, 2020.
Interior/Fitting And Finishing
Products Used
Powder coated black aluminum doors and windows
Grey matte compact panel cabinet
- Black mirror magic pantry
- Peanut trays corner cabinets
EDL Compact
Euro Lusanarnero
January, 2020
APRESI products are crafted from the finest raw materials and assembled with scrupulous attention to detail. Every component is designed, developed and produced in-house to the most exact standards. With APRESI, everything is designed around you, to imbue with the way you cook, the way you move about and the way you live.
EDL Laminates are the leaders in high pressure laminates. Design led and quality driven, for the discerning user.
January 26th, 2021
Project inspected and completed on January 26th, 2021